CO2-publication covers
Spanish companies publish guidelines on CO2 emissions.

Design a printed publication, which made the technical and dense subject matter easy to consume.


The Problem:

El Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad is a business association of Spanish corporations working together to promote sustainable economic and social growth. The content of this publication was dense with substantial technical details. The publication was directed at high-level executives with very little time to spare. Scannability, pacing and effective visual guidance were key.

The Approach:

I improved the content structure and hierarchy by breaking down large sections and creating subdivisions.
I accomplished an optimal pacing by adding images, section diverse, custom illustration and tables for technical information.

Editorial design
Cover design
Graph design
Content structure
Photo editing
Pre-press/print coordination
Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad
Spreads sample
Spreads sample
Spreads sample
Spreads sample

Color palette

Color Palette

The Results:

After the publication was presented an distributed, additional companies wanted to participate in the project and we created a second version with the new companies and the publication was reprinted.

Spreads sample
Spreads sample
Spreads sample
Spreads sample

Alternative covers:

Spreads sample
Spreads sample